How To Get Rid of Allergies?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 50+ million Americans are affected by allergies each year.

As one of the most common health conditions in the world, allergies like hay fever, eczema, asthma, and food sensitivities can have damaging effects on your health and your body. Your immune system attempts to protect the body from allergic substances by producing antibodies to attack the allergen, which results in itching, runny nose, watery or itchy eyes, and wheezing. 

You may even find yourself googling “How to get rid of allergies?” every spring, and while there is no cure for allergies, there are many supplements and vitamins for allergic inflammatory reactions that you can take to combat daily disruptors that keep you from feeling your best. 

From vitamin C to glutathione, discover five essential vitamins and supplements to help get rid of allergies and find the dietary supplement that’s right for you. 

Beneficial Vitamins & Supplements for Allergic Inflammatory Reactions 

Your immune system responds to pollen, dander, dust, or other allergens by boosting antibodies. The antibodies then release histamine, which increases blood flow and boosts inflammation, trying to protect your body and block additional allergens from further entering your system. 

Although it is oxidative stress that, without adequate amounts of antioxidants, can overwhelm your immune system’s attempt to detoxify and potentially cause allergies. 

Fortunately, there are many beneficial vitamins and supplements for allergic inflammatory reactions that can help your body fight off allergens, reduce inflammation and histamine levels, and get your body back to feeling and working its best. 

Vitamin C

As a natural antihistamine, vitamin C is a great supplement to take for reducing allergy symptoms. Additionally, the antioxidant properties of vitamin C offer beneficial protection for your cells and help combat oxidative stress. 

Vitamin B

Playing an essential role in good health and well-being, vitamin B impacts energy levels, brain function, and cell health. With such a key role, it is understandable that vitamin b, most commonly vitamin B6 and B12, is crucial for boosting your energy and keeping you on the move as your immune system fights off invaders.  


Not only is magnesium an antihistamine, but it’s also a bronchodilator, meaning it can help ease breathing. Many allergy sufferers struggle with constricted airways. One study found that lab rats with severe magnesium deficits had higher blood levels of histamine when exposed to allergens than rats with normal magnesium levels.  


Playing a crucial role in immune system health, zinc is a uniquely capable mineral that can enhance the storage of histamine. Zinc deficiencies can depress immune function and allow histamine to release throughout the body, increasing your susceptibility to infection and your response to allergens. 


The “master antioxidant” glutathione is involved in hundreds of essential processes throughout the body, in every cell, especially in the nervous system, immune system, and gastrointestinal system. 

Similarly, the levels of glutathione in your system are often directly related to levels of oxidative stress, with low levels of glutathione correlating to higher levels of oxidative stress, which can eventually lead to cellular damage. Additionally, low glutathione is common in ear, nose, and throat conditions. 

A recent study demonstrated that “glutathione supports immune cell defense by restoring levels of key immune factors that protect against microbial agents and viruses and defend against the symptoms of seasonal allergies and fortify the immune system.”

While you may be interested in the benefits glutathione provides, there are two key reasons why you should avoid supplementing with pure glutathione pills. 

The first reason is that our bodies do not absorb glutathione well, and the second reason is that if you give the body pure glutathione, it can enter into a “hyper reductive state” where it produces even less glutathione because it’s always trying to maintain a balance, and if our bodies detect an abundance of glutathione, we stop making more. 

So what’s the solution? 

Finding quality NAC supplements allergies can’t help but run from. 

Beneficial for breaking down mucus and effectively reducing seasonal allergy symptoms, N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) is used in the treatment of numerous pulmonary disorders. And as one of the key building blocks for glutathione production, it is commonly used in hospitals to treat patients with liver and lung issues. 

GSH+ is based on a special type of NAC that’s ten times more bioavailable. The body can absorb 65% of NACet, compared to less than 10% with regular NAC. But most other supplement brands can’t work with NACET because it has a pungent smell that is difficult to mask.

Our formula features NACET, as well as 23 other building blocks of glutathione, providing the most comprehensive glutathione-enhancing supplement on the market that is both easy and pleasant to take. 

Ready to try and get rid of allergies? Or at least their symptoms? For a supplement complete with all of the minerals and vitamins for allergic inflammatory reactions like vitamin C, vitamin B, magnesium, zinc, and essential glutathione-boosting building blocks, try GSH+. 

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