Does Cold Weather Increase Oxidative Stress?

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–Salvation Nutra Team

Studies have shown that in inclement climates prone to cold weather, oxidative stress increases, causing potential damage throughout the body. 

But you don’t have to completely stay out of the cold; with the right boost of antioxidants, you can get back outside doing what you love—whether that’s marathon training in cold weather, snowshoeing down a mountain, or having a good, old-fashioned snowball fight with your family in the backyard. Learn more about oxidative stress, how to reduce it, and why GSH+ is your best resource for fighting cold weather oxidative stress.

What Is Oxidative Stress?

Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between the free radicals and antioxidants in your body. 

Free radicals are molecules that contain an uneven number of electrons, meaning that they can easily react with other molecules, and when functioning properly, can work to fight off pathogens that could lead to infections. In fact, one of the largest sources of free radicals is the body’s own immune system. Our immune systems produce these free radicals to destroy foreign intruders, but they can also inadvertently do damage to our own tissues. When there are too many free radicals and an imbalance occurs, they can cause oxidative stress and start damaging fatty tissue, DNA, and proteins throughout the body. 

To combat the imbalance of free radicals, we turn to antioxidants. Antioxidants are able to donate an electron to a free radical, making the free radicals stable and less reactive. 

How Cold Weather Affects Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress occurs naturally in the body, but did you know that there are also circumstances that provoke oxidative stress? Studies have shown that when your body is exposed to low temperatures and reacts with increased heat production and faster breathing, it intensifies oxygen consumption and produces more reactive oxygen species (ROS), which induces forms of cellular oxidative damage, and oxidative stress can occur. 

How To Reduce Oxidative Stress

While it’s impossible to avoid free radicals altogether–nor would you want to–there are ways to reduce the effects of oxidative stress in your body. While reducing your outside or in cold weather training can certainly help reduce your ROS and oxidative stress levels, some people enjoy exercise and training in cold weather. Those that can’t avoid cold weather oxidative stress can make lifestyle choices with diet, exercise, and increasing their antioxidant levels with glutathione to help keep your body in balance.

Antioxidants, like glutathione, are considered “free radical scavengers,” and they are the best defense against these free radicals as glutathione is your body’s most powerful antioxidant, working to neutralize billions of free radicals.

The Benefits of Glutathione

The “master antioxidant” glutathione is made from three amino acids: cysteine, glutamate, and glycine, and works to: 

  • Support liver and immune function
  • Break down free radicals
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Assist in cell growth and repair

Our bodies naturally produce glutathione, but as we age, our supply naturally begins to decrease. While it’s found in many foods, like spinach, avocados, asparagus, and okra, it’s hard for the body to absorb it from food. It is most often recommended to consume more of the “precursors,” or building blocks of glutathione, like N-acetylcysteine, to give your body the boost it needs to produce more glutathione naturally. Glutathione swoops in as a “cleanup crew” to help repair the collateral damage from free radicals by seeking them out and neutralizing them throughout the body. 

GSH+ for Cold Weather Oxidative Stress

With GSH+, we’ve meticulously created a formula that provides your body with the building blocks and catalysts it needs to naturally increase its own production of glutathione. 

We’ve incorporated the ultimate form of N-acetylcysteine called NACET, which is up to 60% more active than regular NAC. GSH+ is also specifically designed to help the antioxidant cross the blood-brain barrier. 

  • Promotes a healthier immune system
  • Helps to reduce inflammation
  • Supports focus and memory 
  • Energizes mood
  • Promotes blood sugar modulation
  • 10x more bioavailable than competitors

Neutralize the free radicals linked to cold weather oxidative stress with GSH+ and get back to feeling your best. Shop GSH+ now.