Where To Buy NAC Supplements Now?

With recent announcements from the FDA, it might soon become difficult to buy NAC supplements.

Learn more about why NAC is being excluded from the dietary supplement category, what this means for retailers and consumers, and what you should be buying instead. 

NAC Supplement Banned? 

Even though NAC supplements have been on the market for more than 30 years, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced that because NAC was approved in 1963 as an inhalable form for the treatment of certain health conditions, it, therefore, must be excluded from the dietary supplement category. 

In an effort to maintain the amino acid’s supplement standing, two individual citizen petitions from the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) and the Natural Products Association (NPA) are making the case that it was widely used as a supplement prior to the mid-1990s and therefore could be “grandfathered in” as a dietary ingredient.   


As of June 2022, the FDA has yet to reach a final decision on whether or not they will continue allowing the sale of NAC supplements, but many retailers and companies have already discontinued the sale of NAC dietary supplements until more clarity is provided by the FDA. 

Can I Still Buy NAC Supplements Now?

One of the many retailers that paused NAC supplement sales, Amazon banned sellers from listing any supplements containing NAC in May 2021. As a major player in e-commerce, Amazon’s response revealed the impactful effects as 77% of the digital dietary supplement and vitamin supplement sales are dominated by Amazon, according to Rakuten Intelligence (formerly Slice Intelligence). 

Similarly, payment processing platforms like PayPal have also enacted policies prohibiting the sale of NAC supplements. As more and more companies and retailers are putting a pause on sales until further notice from the FDA, supplement users who find NAC beneficial in their daily routine are finding it harder to source and buy NAC supplements.

Why Are NAC Supplements Popular? 

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a derivative of the naturally occurring amino acid L-Cysteine. Widely used in supplements to help produce the antioxidant glutathione, NAC’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects play a key role in detoxification by boosting liver function.

Fighting off oxidative stress and combating free radical damage at the cellular level, NAC not only provides a strong defense for your immune system but it has also been linked to muscle recovery, liver detoxification, and even fertility. Additionally, research has shown that NAC also provides beneficial results in relieving many chronic respiratory conditions. 

What Should I Buy Instead? NAC Supplement Alternatives 

Many NAC supplement users looking for new alternatives are finding that NACET is not only more effective but faster acting too.

A form of NAC, N-acetylcysteine ethyl ester (NACET) is 60% more bioavailable than NAC, can cross the blood-brain barrier, and, because of the esterification, can more effectively and efficiently produce glutathione, fight oxidative stress, boost liver function, and reduce inflammation.

Additionally, it is the esterification of NACET that excludes it from the same dietary supplement restrictions as NAC. 

Formulated with NACET and 23 other building blocks of glutathione, GSH+ is the most comprehensive glutathione-boosting supplement on the market. 

Learn more about GSH+ and make the switch today.